塞萨尔·卡斯特罗与妻子合影, 保罗a港务局, 谁是澳门足彩app项目主管, 他们的儿子, 圣地亚哥卡斯特罗.



“没有人比他更忠诚,提名人雅各布·萨兰(Jacobo Salan)这样写道卡斯特罗, 他是JCLDS神庙项目中非常受欢迎的安全经理.



哈斯凯尔在菲律宾的安全经理, 卡斯特罗 prioritizes serving others — whether he is grocery shopping for field staff stuck in quarantine or going above the call of duty to keep everyone on his project safe.

卡斯特罗 is one of three Living the 值 Award recipients for the first quarter of 2022, 由高级施工经理Jacobo Salan提名.

卡斯特罗说:“我工作是为了让人们对自己的工作感到满意。. “当你践行这些价值观时,你就会对你所做的事情产生激情. 没有什么比做自己喜欢的事更好的了. 这产生了极好的结果.”

卡斯特罗, 哥伦比亚人, 于2016年加入澳门足彩app,担任Barranquilla的项目安全协调员, 哥伦比亚, 寺庙. He was then promoted to Regional 安全 Supervisor in the 菲律宾 和 currently serves as 安全 Manager for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (JCLDS) program in Latin America 和 Asia Pacific.

卡斯特罗 credits his parents’ training 和 his spiritual foundation as a believer in God for his willingness to serve others.

“在菲律宾,我们奉行‘以人为本’的理念.“没有什么比优先考虑人民更有效的了. 如果你想看到安全的结果, 想想那些人, 给他们必要的工具, 赢得他们的信任, 教他们, make them feel like an important part of the team 和 work so that they are recognized for what they do,他说.

卡斯特罗最喜欢的教学工具之一是一个名叫内斯特的布娃娃. 在菲律宾,布娃娃架起了沟通障碍的桥梁, 那里的工人大多说他加禄语,有117种方言.

卡斯特罗说 they’d use Nestor to teach people in a playful, visual way about risks 和 consequences.

“This was undoubtedly the best strategy we have implemented for safety culture training,他说.

The doll was named after the first assistant surveyor of the project in the 菲律宾, 谁因为缺乏安全知识而没有安全感. 卡斯特罗回忆说,在两个月的时间里, Nestor从一个团队成员开始说, “我在水中工作时不穿靴子,以免弄脏它们,给安全冠军.

安全超越工作障碍, 卡斯特罗说, 和 is how each 澳门足彩app employee will benefit from “self-care as an added value.”

他是一个忠诚的丈夫和父亲. 他和他的妻子, 保罗a港务局, 谁是澳门足彩app项目主管, both joined the company in 哥伦比亚 和 have since moved to Mexico 和 the 菲律宾 for different projects. 卡斯特罗 likes to ride his bike 和 play soccer video games with his son, Santiago.

“没有人比卡斯特罗更坚定,”萨兰说. “We are very grateful for his contributions 和, most of all, the impact he has on all of the teams. 他关心、真诚、勤奋,最重要的是,他很忠诚.”

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